Color Engineering Lab    

State Key Lab of Modern Optical Instrumentation
College of Optical Science and Engineering
Zhejiang University


Ming Luo (Ronnier)

College of Optical Science and Engineering
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou 310027, China
Tel: 86-571-87952225, Email:

Research Interests
Color science, Imaging science, Illumination technology, Color design

PhD   Color Chemistry and Technology, University of Bradford, UK. 1986
MPhil  Color Chemistry and Technology, University of Bradford, UK. 1983
BSc   Fibre Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, 1982

Employment History

Since July 2011

  • Zhejiang University (ZJU), Hangzhou, China (9 months per year)

    Professor of College of Optical Science and Engineering

  • University of Leeds, UK (2 months per year),
    Professor of Colour and Imaging Science, School of Design

  • and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) 
    (1 months per year)
    Chair Professor and Head of Colour, Imaging and Illumination (CIIC) Centre

March 2004-July 2011, University of Leeds, UK
Professor of Colour and Imaging Science, Department of Colour Science

March 1993-Feb. 2004, University of Derby, UK
Professor of Colour Science & Director of Colour and Imaging Institute (CII), 1998-2004
Reader of Colour Science, Design Research Centre, School of Art and Design, 1993-1998

Oct. 1986 – Jan. 1993, Crosfield Electronics Ltd (now FujiFilm Electronic Imaging)
Principle Colour Scientist of the Company and Visiting Researcher at Loughborough University as the Project Leader of two consecutive projects funded by both the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), UK.

More detailed information can be found at


M. R. Luo, New colour difference formulae for surface colour industry, PhD Thesis, University of Bradford, 1986.

Edited Books

  1. L. W. MacDonald and M. R. Luo, Colour Imaging: Vision and Technology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 1999.

  2. L. W. MacDonald and M. R. Luo, Colour Science: Exploiting digital media, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.

  3. M. R. Luo, Encyclopaedia of Colour Science and Technology, Chief Editor, Springer-Varlag, New York ISBN: Print+Reference 978-44198072-4, August 2016.

Book Chapters

  1. M. R. Luo, Colour Science., S.J. Sangwine and R. E. N. Horne (Eds), The Colour Image Processing Handbook, Chapman & Hall: London, pp26-66 1998.
  2. M. R. Luo, Colour Science: Past, Present and Future. In: L. W. MacDonald and M. R. Luo (Eds), Colour Imaging: Vision and Technology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 384-404, 1999.
  3. J. Morovic and M. R. Luo, Developing algorithms for universal colour gamut mapping. L. W. MacDonald and M. R. Luo (Eds), Colour Imaging: Vision and Technology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 253-282, 1999.
  4. M. R. Luo, The CIE 1997 Colour Appearance Model: CIECAM97s, P. Green and L. MacDonald (Eds), Colour Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 79-104, 2001.
  5. J. Uroz, M. R. Luo and J. Morovi, Perception of colour differences in large printed images, L. W. MacDonald and M. R. Luo (Eds), Colour Science: Exploiting digital media, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 49-73, 2002.
  6. P. Green and M. R. Luo, Deriving gamut mapping models from high quality reproduction, on coated and newsprint media, L. W. MacDonald and M. R. Luo (Eds), Colour Science: Exploiting digital media, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 319-341, 2002.
  7. B. H. Kang, M. S. Cho, J. Morovi and M. R. Luo, Gamut compression algorithms based on experimental observer data, L. W. MacDonald and M. R. Luo (Eds), Colour Science: Exploiting digital media, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 259-290, 2002.
  8. J. Hutchings, M. R. Luo and W. Ji, Calibrated colour imaging analysis of food, Colour in Food Improving Quality, Edited by D. B. MacDougall, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 352-366, 2002.
  9. M. R. Luo, Chapter 2 Colorimetry, R. D. Paravina and J. M. Power (Eds), Esthetic Color Training in Dentistry, Elsevier Mosby, 17-37, 2004.
  10. M. R. Luo, Part 1: Measuring Colour, Chapter 4. Colour Quality Evaluation, J. H. Xin (Ed), Total Colour management in textiles, Woodhead Publishing in textiles, 57-75, 2006.
  11. M. R. Luo and C. J. Li, Chapter 11. Colour Appearance Models and associated colour space, J. Schanda (Eds), Wiley-Interscience, 261-294 2008.
  12. M. R. Luo and C. J. Li, Chapter 3. CIECAM02 and its recent developments, C. Fernandez (Eds), Advanced color image processing and analysis, Springer, 261-294 2012.
  13. Ji, W., Luo, MR. and Hutchings, JB., Chapter 8, Measuring banana appearance aspects using spectrophotometer and digital camera, in Color in Food: Technological and Psychophysical Aspects, Ed. Caivano, JL., CRC Press (USA), 71-80, 2012.
  14. Hutchings, JB., Luo, MR. and Ji, W., Chapter 1, Food, expectations, colour and appearance, in Color in Food: Technological and Psychophysical Aspects, Ed. Caivano, JL., CRC Press (USA), 3-10, 2012.
  15. Hutchings, JB., Luo, MR. and Ji, W., Chapter 2, Principles of food colour measurement of food, Instrumental assessment of food sensory quality, A practical guide, E. Kilcast (Eds), D. Woodhead Publishing Limited, 29-52 2013.
  16. M. R. Luo and C. J. Li, Chapter 2. CIECAM02 and Its Recent Developments, C. Fernandez-Maloigne (Eds), Springer, 19-58 2013.

Refereed Journal Papers

1. M.R. Luo and B. Rigg, Chromaticity-discrimination ellipses for surface colours, Color Res. Appl., 11(1986) 25-42.
2. M. R. Luo and B. Rigg, Uniform colour space based on the CMC(l:c) colour difference formula, J.Soc.Dyers.Col., 102 (1986) 164-171.
3. M. R. Luo and B. Rigg, BFD(l:c) colour-difference formula, Part I – Development of the formula, J.Soc.Dyers.Col., 103 (1987) 86-94.
4. M. R. Luo and B. Rigg, BFD(l:c) colour-difference formula, Part II – Performance of the formula, J.Soc.Dyers.Col., 103 (1987) 126-132.
5. M. R. Luo and B. Rigg, A colour-difference formula for surface colours under illuminant A, J.Soc.Dyers.Col., 103 (1987) 161-167.
6. L. W. MacDonald, M. R. Luo and S. A. R. Scrivener, Factors affecting the appearance of coloured images on a video display monitor, J. Photographic Society., 38 (1990) 177-186.
7. M. R. Luo, A.A. Clarke, P. A. Rhodes, A. Schappo, S. A. R. Scrivener and C. J. Tait, Quantifying colour appearance: Part I – LUTCHI colour appearance data, Color Res. Appl. 16 (1991) 166-180.
8.M. R. Luo, A. A. Clarke, P. A. Rhodes, A. Schappo, S. A. R. Scrivener and C. J. Tait, Quantifying colour appearance: Part II – Testing colour models' performance using LUTCHI colour appearance data, Color Res. Appl. 16 (1991) 181-197. 
9. P. A. Rhodes, S. A. R. Scrivener and M.R. Luo, ColourTalk - A system for colour communication, Displays, 13 (1992) 89-96.
10. M. R. Luo, P. A. Rhodes and S. A. R. Scrivener, Effective colour communication for industry, J. Soc. Dyers. Col., 109 (1993) 516-520.
11. M. R. Luo, X. W. Gao, P. A. Rhodes, H. J. Xin, A. A. Clarke, and S. A. R. Scrivener, Quantifying colour appearance: Part III - Supplementary LUTCHI colour appearance data, Color Res. Appl., 18 (1993) 98-113.
12. M. R. Luo, X. W. Gao, P. A. Rhodes, H. J. Xin, A. A. Clarke, and S. A. R. Scrivener, Quantifying colour appearance: Part IV- Transmissive Media, Color Res. Appl., 18 (1993) 191-209.
13. R. W. G. Hunt and M.R. Luo, Evaluation of a model of colour vision by magnitude scaling: Discussion of collected results, Color Res. Appl., Color Res. Appl., 19 (1994) 27-33.
14.M. R. Luo, Magnitude estimation technique for colour appearance research, J. Photographic Science, 42 (1994) p86. 
15.M. C. Lo and M. R. Luo, Models for characterising four-primary imaging devices, J. Photographic Science, 42 (1994) 94-96.
16. M. R. Luo, X. W. Gao, and S. A. R. Scrivener, Quantifying colour appearance: Part V- Simultaneous Contrast, Color Res. Appl. 20 (1995) 18-35. 
17.W. G. Kuo, M.R. Luo and H. Bez, Various chromatic-adaptation transforms tested using new colour appearance data in textile, Color Res. Appl. 20 (1995) 313-327.
18.M. R. Luo, Colour appearance assessment, J. Soc. Dyers. Col. 112 (1996) 72-74.
19.M. C. Lo, M. R. Luo and P. A. Rhodes, Evaluating colour models' performance using complex Images, Color Res. Appl. 21 (1996) 277-291.
20.P. A. Rhodes and M. R. Luo, A system for WYSIWYG colour communication, Displays 17 (1996) 213-221.
21.D. Heggie, R. H. Wardman, M. R. Luo, A comparison of the colour differences computed using the CIE94, CMC(l:c) and BFD(l:c) formulae, J. Soc. Dyers. Col. 112 (1996) 264-269.
22.W. G. Kuo and M. R. Luo, Methods for quantifying metamerism. Part I - Visual assessment, J. Soc. Dyers. Col. 112 (1996) 312-320.
23.W. G. Kuo and M. R. Luo, Methods for quantifying metamerism. Part II - Instrumental assessment, J. Soc. Dyers. Col. 112 (1996) 354-360. 
24.M. R. Luo, M.C. Lo and W. G. Kuo, The LLAB(l:c) colour model, Color Res. Appl. 21 (1996) 412-428.
25.T. Sato, N. Takada, M. Ueda, T Nakamura and M. R. Luo, Comparison of instrumental methods for assessing colour fastness. Part 1–Change in Colour, J. Soc. Dyers. Col. 113 (1997) 17-24.
26.T. Sato, N. Takada, M. Ueda, T. Nakamura and M. R. Luo, Instrumental Methods for Assessing Colour Fastness. Part 2–Staining, J. Soc. Dyers. Col., 113 356-361 (1997). 
27.M. R. Luo and P. A. Rhodes, Using the LUTCHI Colour Appearance Data, Color Res. Appl., 23 414-417 (1998). 
28.M. R. Luo and R. W. G. Hunt, The structures of the CIE 1997 colour appearance model (CIECAM97s), Color Res. Appl., 23 138-146 (1998).
29.M. R. Luo and R. W. G. Hunt, Testing colour appearance models using corresponding-colour and magnitude-estimation data sets, Color Res. Appl., 23 147-153 (1998).
30.M. R. Luo and R. W. G. Hunt, A chromatic adaptation transform and a colour inconstancy index, Color Res. Appl., 23 154-158 (1998).
31.M. R. Luo and P. A. Rhodes, Corresponding-colour data sets, Color Res. Appl., 24 295-296 (1999).
32.M. R. Luo, R. W. G. Hunt, B. Rigg and K. J. Smith, Recommended Colour Inconstancy Index, J. Soc. Dyers. Col., 115 183-188 (1999).
33.S. S. Guan and M. R. Luo, Investigation of parametric effects using small colour differences, Color Res. Appl., 24 331-343 (1999).
34.S. S. Guan and M. R. Luo, A colour difference formula for assessing large colour differences, Color Res. Appl., 24 344-355 (1999).
35.S. S. Guan and M. R. Luo, Investigation of parametric effects using large colour differences, Color Res. Appl., 24 356-368 (1999).
36.J. H Xin, H. Huang, M. R. Luo, S. S. Lee and D. Lee, A New Colour Physics System - SCOPE, J. Soc. Dyers. Col., 115 290-293 (1999).
37.M. R. Luo, A review of chromatic adaptation transforms, Review of Progress in Coloration, SDC, 30 (2000) 77-91.
38.C. J. Li, M. R. Luo and R. W. G. Hunt, A revision of the CIECAM97s model, Color Res. Appl.. 25 (2000) 260-266. 
39.J. Morovic and M. R. Luo, Calculating medium and image gamut boundaries for gamut mapping, Color Res. Appl. 25 (2000) 394-401.
40.H. Lin, M. R. Luo, A. Tarrant and L. W. MacDonald, A cross-culture colour-naming study. Part I- Using an unconstrained method. Color Res. Appl. 26 (2001) 40-60. 
41.G. Hong, M. R. Luo and P. A. Rhodes, A Study of Digital Camera Colorimetric Characterisation Based on Polynomial Modelling, Color Res. Appl.. 26 (2001) 76-84.
42.J. Morovic and M. R. Luo, Evaluating gamut mapping algorithms for universal applicability, Color Res. Appl. 26 (2001) 85-102.
43.W. Chou, H. Lin, M.R. Luo, B. Rigg, S. Westland and J. Nobbs, The performance of Lightness Difference Formula, Coloration Technology, 117 19-29 (2001).
44.J. Morovic and M. R. Luo, The fundamental of gamut mapping: A survey, J. of Imag. Sci. and Tech., 45 (2001) 283-290.
45.H. Lin, M. R. Luo, A. Tarrant and L. W. MacDonald, A cross-culture colour-naming study. Part II- Using a constrained method. Color Res. Appl. 26 (2001) 193-208.
46.H. Lin, M. R. Luo, A. Tarrant and L. W. MacDonald, A cross-culture colour-naming study. Part III- A colour-naming model. Color Res. Appl. 26 (2001) 270-277.
47.M. R. Luo, G. Cui and B. Rigg, The development of the CIE 2000 colour difference formula, Color Res. Appl. 26 (2001) 340-350.
48.J. H. Xin, C. Lam, M. R. Luo, Investigation of Parametric Effects Using Medium Colour Difference Pairs, Color Res. Appl.. 26 (2001) 376-383.
49.G. H. Cui, M. R. Luo, W. Li and B. Rigg, Colour difference evaluation using CRT colours. Part I – Data gathering, Color Res. Appl. 26 (2001) 394-402.
50.G. H. Cui, M. R. Luo, W. Li and B. Rigg, Colour difference evaluation using CRT colours. Part II – Parametric effects, Color Res. Appl. 26 (2001) 403-412.
51.S. Sueeprasan, M. R. Luo and P. A. Rhodes, Investigation of colour appearance models for illumination changes across media, Color Res. Appl.. 26 (2001) 428-435.
52.C. J. Li, M. R. Luo, B. Rigg and R. W. G. Hunt, CMC 2000 Chromatic Adaptation Transform, CMCCAT2000, Color Res. Appl.. 27 (2002) 49-58.
53.G. H. Cui, M. R. Luo, B. Rigg, G. Roesler and K. Witt, Uniform colour spaces based on the DIN99 colour-difference formula, Color Res. Appl.. 25 (2002) 282-290.
54.R. W. G. Hunt, C. J. Li, G. Juan and M. R. Luo, Further refinements to CIECAM97s, Color Res. Appl.. 27 (2002) 164-170.
55.M. R. Luo, The Development of Colour-Difference Formulae, Review of Progress in Coloration, SDC, (2002) 28-39.
56.P. J. Green and M. R. Luo, Developing the CARISMA gamut mapping model, J. of Imag. Sci. and Tech., 46 (2002) 33-43.
57.R. W. G. Hunt, C. J. Li, and M. R. Luo, Dynamic cone response function for models of colour appearance, Color Res. Appl.. 28 (2003) 82-88.
58.H. Xu, M. R. Luo, B. Rigg, The evaluation of daylight simulators. Part I: Colorimetric and spectral variations, Coloration Technology, 119 59-69 (2003).
59.G. H. Cui, M. R. Luo, B. Rigg, P. A. Rhodes and J. Dakin, Grading textile fastness. Part 1. Using a digital camera system, Coloration Technology, 119 212-218 (2003).
60.G. H. Cui, M. R. Luo, B. Rigg, P. A. Rhodes and J. Dakin, Grading textile fastness. Part II. Development of a new staining fastness formula, Coloration Technology, 119 219-224 (2003).
61.H. Xu, M. R. Luo, B. Rigg, Evaluation of Daylight Simulators. Part 2: Assessment of the Quality of Daylight Simulators Using Real Metameric Pairs, Coloration Technology, 119 253-263 (2003).
62.M. R. Luo, C. J. Li, R. W. G. Hunt, B. Rigg and K. J. Smith, The CMC 2002 Colour Inconstancy Index: CMCCON02, Coloration Technology, 119 280-285 (2003).
63.S. Sueeprasan and M. R. Luo, Applying Chromatic Adaptation Transforms to Mixed Adaptation Conditions, Color Res. Appl. 28 (2003) 436-444. 
64.C. J. Li, M. R. Luo and B. Rigg, A New Method for Computing Optimum Weights for Calculating CIE Tristimulus Values, Color Res. Appl.. 29 (2004) 91-103.
65.L. C. Ou, M. R. Luo, A. Woodcock and A. Wright, A Study of Colour Emotion and Colour Preference, Part I: Colour Emotion for Single Colours, Color Res. Appl 29 (2004) 232-240.
66.L. C. Ou, M. R. Luo, A. Woodcock and A. Wright, A Study of Colour Emotion and Colour Preference, Part 2: Colour Emotion for Two-colour Combinations, Color Res. Appl 29 (2004) 292-297.
67.L. C. Ou, M. R. Luo, A. Woodcock and A. Wright, A Study of Colour Emotion and Colour Preference, Part 3: Colour Preference Modelling, Color Res. Appl. 29 (2004) 381-389.
68.J. H. Xin, C. C. Lam, M. R. Luo, Evaluation of the Crispening Effect Using CRT-based Colour Samples, Color Res. Appl. 26 (2004) 374-380.
69.G. H. Cui, M. R. Luo, B. Rigg, P. A. Rhodes and J. Dakin, Grading textile fastness. Part III. Development of a new fastness formula for assessing change in colour, Coloration Technology, 120 226-230 (2004).
70.G. H. Cui, M. R. Luo, B. Rigg, P. A. Rhodes and J. Dakin, Grading textile fastness. Part VI. An inter-laboratory trial using DigiEye systems, Coloration Technology, 120 231-235 (2004).
71.R. Wu, R. H. W. Wardman, and M. R. Luo, A comparison of lightness contrast effects in CRT and surface colours, Color Res. Appl. 30 (2005) 13-20.
72.R. W. G. Hunt, C. Li, M. R. Luo, Chromatic adaptation transforms, Color Res. Appl 30 (2005) 69-71.
73.C. J. Li and M. R. Luo, Testing the Robustness of the Forward and Reverse Modes of CIECAM02, Color Res. Appl. 30 (2004) 99-106.
74.W. Ji, M. R. Pointer, M. Ronnier Luo and J. Dakin, Gloss as an Aspect of the Measurement of Appearance, J. Opt. Soc. Am, 23 (2006) 22-33.
75.M. R. Luo, Applying colour science in colour design, Optical & Laser technology, 38 (2006) 392-398.
76.L. C. Ou and M. R. Luo, A colour harmony model for two-colour combinations, Color Res. Appl. 31 (2006) 191-204.
77.M. R. Luo, G. Cui, C. Li, Uniform Colour Spaces Based on CIECAM02 Colour Appearance Model, Color Res. Appl. 31 (2006) 320-330.
78.M. R. Luo, Digital colour and image communication, Surface Coating International Part A, (2005) 244-247.
79.M. R. Luo, A colour management framework for medical imaging applications, Computerised Medical Imaging and Graphics, 30 (2006) 357-361.
80.M. L. G. Martin, W. Ji, M. R. Luo, J. Hutchings and F. J. Feredia, Measuring colour appearance of red wines, Food Quality and Preference, 18 (2007) 862-871.
81.S. Y. Choi, M. R. Luo, P. A. Rhodes, E. G. Heo and I. S. Choi, Colorimetric characterisation model for plasma panel, J. Imaging Sci. Tech. 51, (2007) 337-347.
82.Y. J. Kim,M. R. Luo, P. Rhodes, W. H. Choe, S. D. Lee, S. S. Lee, Y. S. Kwak, D. S. Park, C. Y. Kim, Image-color-quality modeling under various surround conditions for a 2-in mobile transmissive LCD, Journal of the Society for information Display, 15(2007)691-698.
83.Y. J. Kim, M. R. Luo, W. H. Choe, H. S. Kim, S. O. Park, Y. S. Baek, P. A. Rhodes, S. D. Lee, and C. Y. Kim, Factors affecting psychophysical image quality evaluation of mobile phone displays: the case of transmissive liquid-crystal displays, J. Opt. Soc. Am, 25 (2008) 2215-2222.
84.S. Y. Choi, M. R. Luo, M. R. Pointer and P. A. Rhodes, Investigation of large display colour image appearance. I: Important factors affecting perceived quality, J. Imaging Sci. Tech., 52 (2008) 040904-1-11.
85.S. Y. Choi, M. R. Luo, M. R. Pointer and P. A. Rhodes, Investigation of large display colour image appearance. II: The influence of surround conditions, J. Imaging Sci. Tech., 52 (2008) 040905-1-9.
86.B. Oicherman, M. R. Luo, B. Rigg and A. R. Robertson, Effect of observer metamerism on colour matching of display and surface colours, Color Res. Appl. 33 (2008) 346-359.
87.W. Lee, M. R. Luo, and L. Ou, Assessing the affective feelings of two- and three- dimensional objects, Color Res. Appl. 34 (2009) 75-83.
88.B. Oicherman, M. R. Luo, A. R. Robertson and B. Rigg (2009) “Adaptation and color matching of display and surface colours.” Color Res. Appl. 34, 182-193.
89.S. Y. Choi, M. R. Luo, M. R. Pointer and P. A. Rhodes, Investigation of large display colour image appearance. III: Modelling Image Naturalness, J. Imaging Sci. Tech., 53 (2009) 031104-1-12.
90.J. Ma, H. Xu, M. R. Luo, G. Cui, “Color appearance and visual measurements for color samples with gloss effect”, Chinese Optics Letters 7, 869-872 (2009).
91.L. Fu, H. Xu, M. R. Luo, G. Cui, Wei Ji, “Estimating color appearance of pearlescent bottles using digital camera”, Chinese Optics Letters 7, 744-747 (2009).
92.Fu, L.J., Xu, H.S., Luo, M.R., Cui, G.H. and Ji, W., (2009) Estimating Colour Appearance of Pearlescent Bottles Using Digital Camera, Chinese Optics Letters, 7 (8):
93.S. Y. Choi, M. R. Luo, M. R. Pointer, C. Li, P. A. Rhodes, Changes in colour appearance of a large display in various surround ambient conditions Color Res. Appl., 35 (2010), 200-212.
94.K. Xiao, M. R. Luo, C. Li, G. Hong, Colour appearance of room colours, Color Res. Appl., 35 (2010), 284-293.
95.C. Li, M R. Luo, M. Cho and J. Kim, Linear Programming Method for Computing the Gamut of Object Colour Solid, Journal of Optical Society of America., Vol. 27, No. 5/May 2010, pages: 985-991.
96.J. B. Hutchings and M. R. Luo, Measurement of Design Impact, Colour Design and Creativity. 5(2010): 14. 1-8.
97.J. Hutchings and M. R. Luo, Quantification of scene expectations and impact, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineering, 33 (2010)691-695.
98.M. Iwase, M., S. Kitaguchi, T. Sato., L. Ou and M. R. Luo,, Assessing the visual impression of volleyball uniform colour using static images, Journal of the Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses, 51, 501-513 (2010).
99.J. Guo, H. Xu, M. R. Luo, “Novel spectral characterization method for color printer based on the cellular Neugebauer model”, Chinese Optics Letters 8, 1106-1109 (2010).
100.Z. Huang, H. Xu, M. R. Luo, G. Cui, Huajun Feng, “Assessing total differences for effective samples having variations in color, coarseness, and glint”, Chinese Optics Letters 8, 717-720 (2010).
101.M. R. Pointer, A. Filarowski, C. Holdstock, M. R. Luo and S. Williams, Viewing cabinets for the visual assessment of surface colour, SDC-CMC Issue 1:2011 1-10.
102.S. Y. Zhu, M. R. Luo, G. H. Cui, C. J. Li, and B. Rigg, Comparing large colour-difference data sets, Color Res. Appl., 36(2011)111-117.
103.C. Li., M. R. Luo, G. H. Cui and C. J. Li, Evaluation of the CIE Colour Rendering Index, Coloration Technology, 127(2011) 129-135.
104.M. R. Luo, The quality of light sources, Coloration Technology, 127(2011) 75-87.
105.L. C. Ou, P. Chong, M. R. Luo and C. Minchew, Additivity of colour harmony, Color Res. Appl.36(2011)355-372.
106.K. Xiao, M. R. Luo, C. J. Li, G. Cui and D. Park, Investigation of colour size effect for colour appearance assessment, Color Res. Appl.36(2011)201-209.
107.Z. Huang, H. Xu, M. R. Luo, “Camera-based model to predict the total difference between effect coatings under directional illumination”, Chinese Optics Letters 9, 093301 (2011).
108.B. Wang, H. Xu, M. R. Luo, J. Guo, “Maintaining accuracy of cellular Yule–Nielsen spectral Neugebauer models for different ink cartridges using principal component analysis”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 28, 1429-1435 (2011).
109.J. Guo, H. Xu, M. R. Luo, B. Wang, “Spectral characterisation of colour printer based on a novel grey component replacement method”, Chinese Optics Letters 9, 073301 (2011).
110.B. Wang, H. Xu, M. R. Luo, Jinyi Guo, “Spectral-based color separation method for a multi-ink printer”, Chinese Optics Letters 9, 063301 (2011).
111.L. C. Ou, M. R. Luo, P. L. Sun, N. C. Hu, H. S. Chen, Age effect on colour emotion, preference and harmony, Color Res. Appl., 36(2011) 92-105.
112.M. Melgosa, P. A. García, L. Gómez-Robledo, R. Shamey, D. Hinks, G. Cui, M. R. Luo, Notes on the application of the standardized residual sum of squares index for the assessment of intra- and inter-observer variability in color-difference experiments, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 28 (2011) 949-953.
113.H. Z. Zeng and M. R. Luo, Skin Colour Modelling of Digital Photographic Images, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, (2011) 55(3): 030201 – 1-12.
114.W. Lv, H. S. Xu, and m. R. Luo, Testing performance of CIECAM02 in predicting perceptual contrast, Chinese Optics letters, 10(2012)80-82.
115.B. Wang, H. Xu, M. R. Luo, “Color separation criteria for spectral multi-ink printer characterization”, Chinese Optics Letters 10, 013301 (2012).
116.K. Xiao, M. R. Luo and C. Li, Color size effect modelling, Color Res. Appl.37 (2012) 4-12. 
117.L. C. Ou, M. R. Luo, P. L. Sun, N. C. Hu, H. S. Chen, S. S. Guan, A. Woodcock, J. L. Caivano, R. Huertas, A. Tremeau, M. Billger, H. Izadan, and K. Richter, A cross-culture comparison of colour emotion for two-colour combinations, Color Res. Appl. 37 (2012) 13-23. 
118.J. B. Hutchings, L. C. Ou and M. R. Luo, Quantification of scene appearance – A valid design tool?, Color Res. Appl. 37 (2012) 44-52.
119.C. Li, M. R. Luo, C. J. Li and G. H. Cui, The CRI-CAM02-UCS colour rendering index, Color Res. Appl. 37 (2012) 160-167.
120.M. Huang, H. Liu, G. Cui, M. R. Luo, and M. Melgosa, Evaluation of threshold color differences using printed samples, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 29 (2012) 883-891.
121.C. Y. Fu, C. J. Li, G. Cui, M. R. Luo, R. W. G. Hunt and M. R. Pointer, An investigation of colour appearance for unrelated colours under photopic and mesopic vision, Color Res. Appl. 37(2012)238-254.
122.C. J. Li, E. Perales, M. R. Luo and F. Martinez-Verdu, Mathematical approach for predicting non-negative tristimulus values using the CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform, Color Res. Appl. 37(2012)255-260.
123.H. Wang, G. H. Cui, M. R. Luo and H. S. Xu, Evaluation of colour difference formulae for different colour difference magnitudes, Color Res. Appl. 37(2012) 316–325.
124.M. Huang, H. Liu, G. Cui and M. R. Luo, Testing uniform colour spaces and colour-difference formulae using printed samples, Color Res. Appl. 37(2012) 326-335.
125.R. Gong, H. Xu, B. Wang and M. R. Luo, Image quality evaluation for smartphone displays at lighting levels of indoor and outdoor conditions, Optical Engneering 51, 084001-1-6 (2012).
126.M. R. Luo, Opinion: The status quo of changes in colour rendering index, Lit., Res and Tech., 44(2012)253-254.
127.W. Lv, H. Xu, and M. R. Luo, Evaluation of contrast metrics for liquid-crystal displays under different viewing conditions, Journal of the Society for information Display, 20(2012)259-265.
128.H. Z. Zeng and M. R. Luo, Colour and tolerance of preferred skin colours on digital photographic images, Color Res. Appl. 38(2013)30-45.
129.P. L. Sun and M. R. Luo, Color Characterisation models for OLED displays, SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 44(2013)1453-1456.
130.Y. K. Park, M.R. Luo, C.J. Li, Y.S. Kwak, D.S. Park and C.Y. Kim, Correcting veiling glare of referenced CIECAM02for mobile displays, Color Res. Appl. 38(2013)14-21.
131.Y. F. Chou, M. R. Luo, C. J. Li, V. Cheung and S. L. Lee, Methods for designing characterisation targets for digital cameras, Coloration Technology, 129(2013)203-213.
132.Y. Xu, M. R. Luo, P. L. Sun, C. Li, Effective methods for correcting spectral reflectance between spectrophometers, Coloration Technology, 129 (2013) 312–321.
133.H. Z. Zeng and M. R. Luo, Preferred skin color enhancement and digital photographic images, Inter. Journal of Image Proc. (IJIP), 7(2013)314-329.
134.C. J. Li,M. R. Luo, P. L. Sun, A modification of CIECAM02 based on the Hunt-Pointer-Estevez Matrix, Jol. of Ima. Sci. Tech., 57(2013)30502-1-8.
135.S. H. Chen, H. S. Chen, N. Ohta and M. R. Luo, The effect of chromatic and lightness components for preferred skin color reproduction on a display, Jol. of Ima. Sci. Tech., 57(2013)30501-1-12.
136.Y. Xu, M. R. Luo, P. L. Sun and C. J. Li, Effective models for correlating spectral reflectance between spectrophotometers, Coloration Technology, 129(2013)312-321.
137.Y. K. Park, M. R. Luo, C. J. Li, Y. K. Kwak, D. S. Park and C. Y. Kim, Correcting veiling glare of refined CIECAM02 for mobile display, Color Res. Appl. 38(2013)14-21.
138.H. S. Chen, C. C. Hung and M. R. Luo, Visual comfort in 2D/3D modes of glasses-type stereoscopic displays, J. of the Socie. for Infor. Display, 21(2013)94-102.
139.W. Ji., Luo, M. R., Koutsidis, G., Hutchings, JB., Akhtar, M., Terry. L, Megias, F., and Butterworth, M., A Digital Method for Measuring Banana Ripeness, Color Res. Appl. 38(2013)364-374.
140.M. Melgosa, D. H. Alman, M. Grosman, L. Gomez-Robledo, A. Tremeau, G. Cui, P. A. Gracia, D. Vazquez, C. Li and M. R. Luo, Practical demonstration of the CIEDE2000 corrections to CIELAB using a small set of sample pairs, Color Res. Appl. 38(2013)429-436.
141.K. A. G. Smet, J. Schanda, L. Whitehead and M. R. Luo, CRI2012: A proposal for updating the CIE colour rendering index, Light. Res and Tech., 45(2013)689-709.
142.C. J. Li, M. R. Luo and Zhifeng Wang, Different metrics for CIECAM02, Color Res. Appl. 39(2014)143-153.
143.H. S. Chen, S. H. Chen, Y. H. Chao, M. R. Luo, P. L. Sun, Applying Image-Based Palette for Achieving High Image Quality of Displays, Color Res. Appl. 39(2014)154-168.
144.C. J. Li, M. R. Luo, M. R. Pointer, Comparison of real colour gamuts using a new reflectance database, Color Res. Appl. 39(2014)442-451.
145.H. H. Wang, M. R. Luo, P. Liu, Y. Yang and X. Liu, A study of atmosphere perception of dynamic coloured light, Lighting Res. and Tech., 46(2014)661-675.
146.L. H. Xu, Luo M R, Liu X. Reproducing room appearance on displays. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 2015.22(2014)623-630. 
147.C. J. Li, C. Ji, M. R. Luo, M. Melgosa and M. Brill, CAT02 and HPE triangle, Color Res. Appl., Color Res. Appl. 40(2015)30-39.
148.R. Gong, H. Xu, M. R. Luo and H. Li, Comprehensive model for predicting perceptual image quality of smart mobile devices, Applied Optics, 54(2015)85-95. 
149.K.A.G. Smet, Y. Lin, B. V. Nagy, Z. Nemeth, G. L. Duque-Chica, J. M. Quintero, H. S. Chen, M. R. Luo, M. Safi, P. Hanselaer, Cross-culture variation of memory colors of familiar objects, Optics Express, 22(2014)32308-32328. 
150.M. Huang, G. H. Cui, M. Melgosa, S. Manuel, C. J. Li, M. R. Luo and H. Liu, Power functions improving the performance of color-difference formulas, Optical Express, 23(2015)597-610. 
151.Y. K. Park, M. R. Luo, C. J. Li and Y. S. Kwak, Refined CIECAM02 for bright surround conditions, Color Res. Appl. 40(2015)114-124.
152.S. T. Wei, L. C. Ou, M. R. Luo and J. Hutchings, Psychophysical models of consumer expectations and colour harmony in the context of juice packaging, Color Res. Appl. 40(2015)157-168.
153.L. C. Ou, P. L. Sun, H. P. Huang and M. R. Luo, Visual comfort as a function of lightness difference between text and background: a cross-age study using an LCD and a Tablet computer, Color Res. Appl. 40(1025)125-134.
154.M. R Luo, G. Cui, and M. Georgoula, Colour difference evaluation for white light sources, Light. Res and Tech. 47(2015)360-369.
155.X. Y. Liu, M. R. Luo, and H Li, A study of atmosphere perceptions in a living room, Light. Res and Tech., 47(2015)581-594.
156.Q. Y Zhai, MR Luo and XY Liu, The impact of illuminance and colour temperature on viewing fine art paintings under LED lighting, Light. Res and Tech., 47(2015)795-809. 
157.J. Jiang, Z. Wang, M. R. Luo, M. Melgosa, M. Brill and C. J. Li, Optimum soultion of CIECAM02 yellow-blue and purple problems, Color Res. Appl. 40(2015)491-503.
158.Wang, H., Cuijpers, R.H., Luo, M.R., Heynderickx, I. and Zheng, Z., 2015. Optimal illumination for local contrast enhancement based on the human visual system. Journal of biomedical optics, 20(1), pp.015005-015005.
159.Z. H. Wang and M. R. Luo, Looking into special surface effects: diffuse coarseness and glint impression, Colo. Tech., 132(2016)153-161.
160.H. Li, M. R. Luo, X. Y Liu, B. Y. Wang and H. Y. Liu, Evaluation of colour appearance in a real lit room, Light. Res and Tech., 48(2016)412-432.
161.C. J. Li, M. R. Luo, M. Melgosa and M. R. Pointer, Testing the accuracy of methods for the computation of CIE tristimulus values using weighting tables, Color Res. Appl. 41(2016)125-142. 
162.H. S. Chen, C. J. Chou, H. W. Luo and M. R. Luo, Museum lighting environment: Design a perception zone map and emotion response models, Light. Res and Tech., 48(2016)589-607.
163.K. A. G Smet, L. Whitehead, J. Schanda, M. R. Luo, Toward a replacement of the CIE color rendering index for white light sources, Leukos 12(2016)61-69.
164.Q. Y Zhai, M Ronnier Luo, and XY Liu, The impact of LED lighting parameters on viewing fine art paintings, Light. Res and Tech., 48(2016)711-725.
165.Z. F. Wang, B. H. Zhao, M. R. Luo, M. R. Pointer, M. Melgosa, C. J. Li, Interpolation, extrapolation, and truncation in computation of CIE Tristimulus values, Color Res and Appl.,42(2017)10-18. 
166.Y. J. Cho, L. C. Ou and M. R. Luo, A cross-culture comparison of saturation, vividness, blackness and whiteness scales, Color Res and Appl.,42(2017)203-215.
167.H. T. Gu, M. R. Pointer, Quantifying the suitability of CIE D50 and A simulators based on LED light sources, Color Res nd Appl., 42 (2017)408-418.
168.P. L. Sun, H. C. Li and M. R. Luo, Background luminance and sutense affects colour appearance, Color Res nd Appl., 42(2017)440-449.
169.M. Safdar M. R. Luo and X. Y. Liu, Performance comparison of JPEG, JPEG2000, and newly developed CSI-JPEG by adopting different color models, . Color Res. And Appl. 42(2017)460-473.
170.M. Huang, G. Cui, M. Melgosa, P. Garcia, H. Liu, Y. Liu, M. R. Luo, Color harmony in two-piece garmentm, Color Res. Appl. 42(2017)498-511.
171.Tsai, Y.C., Chen, H.S. and Luo, R., 2016. Screen‐based color vision test for digital quantification of deutan color defects using a color‐calibrated monitor. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 24(8), pp.487-500.
172.Yang, Y., Luo, R.M., Ma, S.N. and Liu, X.Y., 2017. Assessing glare. Part 1: Comparing uniform and non-uniform LED luminaires. Lighting Research & Technology, 49(2), pp.195-210.
173.Wei M, Ma S, Wang Y, Luo MR. Evaluation of whiteness formulas for FWA and non-FWA whites. JOSA A. 2017 Apr 1;34(4):640-7.
174.Smet KA, Zhai Q, Luo MR, Hanselaer P. Study of chromatic adaptation using memory color matches, Part I: neutral illuminants. Optics Express. 2017 Apr 3;25(7):7732-48.
175.Smet KA, Zhai Q, Luo MR, Hanselaer P. Study of chromatic adaptation using memory color matches, Part II: colored illuminants. Optics Express. 2017 Apr 3;25(7):8350-65.

Accepted journal papers

1.S. T. Wei, M. R. Luo, K. Xiao and M. R. Pointer, A comprehensive model of colour appearance for related and unrelated colours of varying size viewed under mesopic and potopic conditions, Color Res nd Appl., DOI: 10.1002/col.22078.
2.Y. Yang, M. R. Luo and S. N. ma, Assessing glare. Part 2: Modifying unified glare rating for uniform and non-uniform LED luminaires, Light. Res and Tech., DOI: 1477153516642622, first published on 5 April, 2016.
3.Y Yang, M. R. Luo and WJ Huang, Assessing glare, Part 3: Glare sources having different colours, Light. Res and Tech., DOI: 1477153516676640, first published on 6 December, 2016.
4.H. T. Gu, M..R. Luo and X. Y. Liu, Testing different colour rendering metrics using colour difference data, Light. Res and Tech., DOI: 1477153516653649. 
5.S. Ma, M Wei, J. Liang, B. Wang, Y. Chen, M. R. Poiner and M. R. Luo, Evaluation of whiteness metrics, Light. Res and Tech. DOI: 10.1177/1477153516667642. 
6.M Safdar, M R. Luo, M F. Mughal, S Kuai, Y Yang, L Fu, and X Zhu, A neural response-based model to predict discomfort glare from luminance image, Light. Res and Tech., DOI: 10.1177/1477153516675910.
7.Ma S, Yang Y, Luo MR, Liu X. Assessing discomfort glare for raw white LED with different patterns. Leukos. doi:10.1080/15502724.2016.1252683
8.L. Xu, M,R. Luoand M. Pointer, The development of colour discrimination index, Light. Res and Tech., DOI: 10.1177/1477153517691331, 6 March 2017.
9.H. H. Wang, R. H. Cuijpers, I. M. L. C. Vogels, M. R. Luo, and I. Heynderickx, Z. Zheng, Light. Res and Tech., DOI: 10.1177/1477153517690799.
10.Y. Yang, M. R. Luo and W. J. Huang, Assessing glare. Part 4. Generic models predicting discomfort glare of light-emitting diodes, Light. Res and Tech., DOI: 1177/1477153516684375, first published on 16 March, 2017.
11.B. Li, Q. Y. Zhai, J. B. Hutchings, M. R. Luo and F. T. Ying, Atmophere perception of dynamic LED lighting over different hue ranges, Light. Res and Tech., DOI: 10.1177/1477153517702532 | First Published April 3, 2017.
12.Y. J. Cho, L. C. Ou, G. Cuyi and M. R. Luo, New colour appearance scales for describing saturation, vividness, blackness and whiteness, Col., Res. and Appl., DOI: 10.1002/col.22114, First Published 19, April, 2017. 
13.W. J. Huang, Y. Yang and M. R. Luo, Discomfort glare caused by white LEDs having different spectral power distributions, Light. Res and Tech., DOI: 10.1177/1477153517704996 | First Published April 19, 2017.
14.C. J. Li. Z. Li, Z. Wang, Y. Xu, M. R. Luo, G. H. Cui, M. Melgosa, M. H. Brill, and M. R. Pointer, Comprehensive color solution,s, CAM16, CAT16 and CAM16-UCS, Col., Res. and Appl., DOI: 10.1002/col.22131, First Published 10 June, 2017. 
15.Z. Huang, Q. Liu, S. Westland, M. R. Pointer, M. R. Luo and K. Xiao, Light dominates colour prefwerence when correlated colour termperature differs, Light. Res and Tech., DOI: 10.1177/1477153517713542 | First Published June 6, 2017

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